FRA is proud to join the 30 firms acknowledged by Global Arbitration Review as part of their annual GAR 100 Expert Witness Power Index. The index identifies “the most active and sought-after expert witness firms”, based on the number and size of hearings in a two-year period. GAR noted that despite being a newcomer to the listing, FRA’s average claim value of US$160 million ranks above larger competitors.
FRA Partner Derek Patterson is head of the firm’s arbitration team, having himself been appointed in a variety of the firm’s arbitration cases. On the GAR 100 listing, Derek said, “This year, FRA celebrates 25 years of serving as trusted advisors to lawyers and their clients on high stakes investigations, regulatory compliance and litigation. We have established ourselves as partners of choice when testifying and presenting calculations before courts and regulatory authorities. Our work in criminal and regulatory disputes naturally led us to tap into the growing preference for international arbitration.”
“Punching above our weight as a small firm, we have always taken pride in our ability to bring the focus and dedicated attention of our senior experts while maintaining an independent, objective standard. Today’s arbitration experts must balance this against a multitude of responsibilities: analyzing data, advising on strengths of evidence and expert opinion, and clarifying complex technical concepts. FRA’s experienced subject matter experts are backed by integrated teams who deliver this comprehensive support, with the robust credibility that is the ultimate value to our clients in the context of arbitration.”
FRA’s international arbitration expertise
Drawing on real world experience in industry and finance, our experts deliver valuable insights to counsel and credible compelling expert evidence to the arbitration tribunal. Our experts have provided expert reports and testified in both commercial and investment treaty arbitration cases, and in ICC, ICSID, SIAC and DIFC cases. Notably, in a space where it was found only 10% of appointed expert witnesses were women, we are especially proud to have FRA Co-founder Frances McLeod and Partner in charge of the Paris office Yousr Khalil on our bench of experienced expert witnesses. Yousr has also testified on matters in Arabic and French.
Our expertise is rooted in deep experience in fraud and corruption investigations, regulatory investigations, and independent oversight of the design and testing of corporate compliance environments. FRA has leveraged this to provide expert opinion in many cases requiring the analysis of red flags, and which feature allegations of corruption fraud and appropriate corporate behaviour in such circumstances. In addition, FRA experts provide evidence on financial quantum, accounting, interpretation of financial and transactional data, and financial services related experience including complex valuations, event studies, trading patterns and other similar matters.
Read more about our arbitration expertise and our experts:
- Jerry Hansen (M&A dispute resolution)