FRA Modern Slavery Statement
This is FRA’s Modern Slavery Act statement, prepared pursuant to section54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. It covers the financial year January 2023 to December 2023 and describes our commitment and steps taken to prevent modern slavery in our business and supply chain.
About us
Organisational structure
Forensic Risk Alliance (FRA) is a global forensic accounting, data governance and compliance consultancy firm specialising in international forensic investigations for global corporations and law firms.
Throughout our businesses we employ approximately 200 people covering multiple jurisdictions and, in accordance with UK and international law, we respect human rights and do not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business.
Our supply chain
As a professional services consultancy, we do not have a significant supply chain. Supplier contracts are negotiated and agreed with relevant budget holders within the company, for example, Finance, Legal, Office Management and Human Resources. These teams are also responsible for conducting supplier selection and reviewing supplier performance.
Our recruitment process ensures our people are skilled, qualified professionals and are not sourced from vulnerable groups where slavery is a risk. Our Code of Conduct, Workplace Policy and employee handbooks set out our core principles for the management of our people.
Our Policies
We set clear ethical standards for our people through our policy framework.
Our Code of Conduct applies to all of our people. This includes requirements for proper labour practices (such as anti-harassment and discrimination, and health and safety) and social impacts (such as anti-bribery and corruption).
Training & Monitoring
We review and, where necessary, update our business conduct trainings and policies to ensure respect for human rights and inclusion.
We have Human Resources and Legal teams dedicated to ensuring compliance with relevant laws, policies and processes across our global business, including those aimed at ensuring appropriate working conditions.
Our people can also report concerns or suspected cases of misconduct in confidence using our anonymous external reporting hotline.
This statement was approved by the FRA Board of Directors and is signed by Toby Duthie, Founding Partner.
05 December 2024